Thursday, November 30, 2006

a friend of mine recently remarked to another friend that he didnt know there was a difference between being 'in a mood' and being 'upset'. there is a big difference. mainly that if you are in a mood then you arent in your spirit, whereas if you are upset you can be-after all even Jesus got upset! there are also other subtle differences. such as if you are in a mood you dont cry, you shout more, you stop around and generally make a scene. if you are upset, you are more likely to cry, and less likely to make a scene, more likely to sit in a corner. however these differences vary depending on the person involved.

on a slightly different note, anyone got any suggestions of how to apreciate brothers without appearing weird?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


2 kings 2:23-24

From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!"
24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.

theres a lesson to be learnt here, but i havent quite worked out what it is....

Monday, November 27, 2006


i was thinking this morning about the trinity. why, i dont know. it just popped into my head. how can there be a triniy? three different beings in one? doesnt make sense. impossible to comprehend. i was thinking this several years ago when i created my atom image of God. some of you may have seen it painted on my wall amongst other places. the idea that an atom is one thing, yet has 3 different parts-proton neutron and electron. the proton and neutron represent the father and the son, whilst the holy spirit is wizzing around them touching earth then 'going back' too the nucleus to top up on spiritual energy. kinda. anyway, i wasnt thinking that this morning. i was thinking about one cross and three nails. nails for suffering, cross for burden. 3 nails go into one cross. each has a different place, but each has the same amount of responsibility, the same power, the same equality within the trio. each is as valuble as the next. without one, the others may as well not exist. without the father, the son may as well not exist, and without the son, no spirit. no spirit, no father, or son. so the trio is complete. perfect. 3 in one. if it wasnt united as one, then the trio would cease to exist. equilateral triangles are the strongest shape. each side/corner is equal with the next. none can survive without the rest. it is perfect. God is perfect.

Friday, November 24, 2006


i have pain in my hand. just thinking about it made me realise how nowadays people dont get unbearable pain. they take a pill and within a few minutes all pain has gone. when Jesus was on the cross dying for our sins, he couldnt take a pill. he COULD have gotten off the cross and taken the pain away-him being God. but he didnt because he'd rather have died in huge amounts of pain than to see us all die in hell. the cross wasnt comfortable, as most crosses seem to be now. the cross has lost its meaning for alot of people, even christians. we walk round wearing our factory formed comfortable crosses, displaying that we belong somewhere, or even just wear it as a fashion statement. some christians dont bother with a cross, while others decide not to wear one, or maybe wear a nail instead. all these are the comfortable option. Jesus told us to take up our cross. we should be taking up our cross daily, be that metaphorical or not. and its not going to be an easy thing to do if we truely mean it. the devil is going to start attacking more and more. we have to stay strong and keep the faith and keep battling through there until we get to the final glory that only Jesus can give.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


one of the new burger king adverts out at the moment says 'our meat is 100% pure even if you arent'. it is true that purity has become of less value to what it used to be. where once it was unthinkable to be anything but a virgin at marriage, it is now completely acceptable to have a child/family without getting married, and even acceptaable to become a prostitute(though this is looked down upon, prostitutes dont get kicked out of their towns/cities, or killed etc. anymore). this brings up the question of what is purity? ive looked it up in the dictionary and this is what it says: to be pure 1:not mixed with any other substances; uncontaminated; not immoral, innocent, chaste.
so to be pure, we cant be mixed with anything else. this means we are all impure, as we are born into a sinful world, a world full of contamination. and no matter how hard we try, we can never be fully pure because our godly beings are mixed with our worldly being. where is the hope for our lives? in Jesus. the only way we can be pure is to follow Jesus, and die. whilst on this earth we cannot be pure. we can strive to be pure, but also need to remember that we are not pure so as to avoid putting others down.

Monday, November 20, 2006


well saturday evening meeting at living word was good. i had several mini battles with myself, most of which were trying to stop myself laughing at images that popped into my head whilst the leader was talking....

one 'battle' i was having was whether or not to say what was going through my head. didnt say it. will say it now though. i was thinking about how God is my father now. i am safe with Him. my old dad is in the past. God is my new dad, and through my 2 father figures(that were both at the meeting...) God is showing me what real fatherhood should be like, and that i dont have to be scared of my new 'dad'.

had a mini breakdown of tears yesterday. thanks loads to those who helped me out. i really do apreciate it.

Friday, November 17, 2006


ok, internets not working at my house, so this might not be as long as i was thinking.
yesterday i was talking to various people and the same topic kept coming up. about the universe and how great God is. He must be amaizing because He created everything out of nothing. it works so perfectly. we cant see God, but He can see us, every single one of us. it reminded me of the story of flatland. the 2D shapes cant see the doughnut, but the doughnut can see the 2D shapes. the doughnut can only be seen when it crosses through the 2D land, but only a 2D section can be seen by the 2D shapes. its a bit like that with us and God, He's the 3D shape trying to inform us of the existance of more, but we can only see 2D things. another way that was explored in a conversation, was that our universe is like a computer. computers can only produce what has been programmed into them by a human. in this case it would be God doing the programming and we were little cyber people inside. we cant see outside the computer, or even imagine what is outside it unless it is programmed in. in this sense we could have 'freewill' but it would be restrained by what has already been programmed in. so we can do random things that God doesnt know we are going to do, but at the same time He knows we can do them because He's programmed it into us that we can do it. and the devil is like a computer virus that destroys us and gives us naughty things to do. so, like with a computer being able to self destruct without the programmer telling it to, we can destroy all purity and godly being by following the devil and doing impure things that the devil has added to our programming.

God is soooooooooooooooooooo amaizing! love you God!!!!!! why did it have to be only 5 mins yesterday? i could have been in that car for hours and hours!

Monday, November 13, 2006

something different...

just looked up what the word 'profound' actually means. profound: adj 1 (of an emotion, state, etc.) intense. 2 showing or needing great insight.

on a lighter note, i made my mum laugh hysterically for 5 minutes. told her about how i managed to borrow a projector from jeds office. she was laughing at the bit when i told her how id told the receptionist who i was, she'd looked down a list of employees, i informed her that jed had died 2 months ago, and she replied 'ah. no wonder he didnt answer his phone....'
do i need to point out that jed was always saying how thick she was/is and how she should have had a different hair colour...?

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Ive been asked to write something profound on here, instead of the 'kiddie songs' that i have been putting on. well, i dont do profound very well, but ill give it a go. into my song book for some inspiration....

this is what ive come up with: God is everlasting. He created everything and He alone will alow it to be destroyed. God never changes-how can He? as someone pointed out, He changes so much and so often that He cant change. If God changes so much and so often, so that is the norm, then if God were to change from the norm, He would effectively stop changing all together which would make a very dull creation and life would stop. God is the only firm foundation. He is the only one we can fully put all our trust and faith in, and guarentee that we will recieve God's spirit in return. He is always loving and always true, yet He is always changing, but His love and truth do not change. He is always merciful and good, always. ALWAYS. this means FOREVER. all through the past, all through the now and all through everything that is ever going to happen. wow. God never changes. but He is always changing. God works to extremes. both extremes at the same time. God is so complicated yet so simple, we just cant-no matter how hard we try-get our foolish human heads around it. God was never created, yet He exists. no end, no beginning. ALWAYS there. everything on earth will fade and die away. earthly rulers and prime ministers and idiots living in big white houses. all will die, all will fade. but God will never EVER fade, or die, or end. He will always have the eternal power in his command.

(see if you can guess the song i based it on, hope its 'profound' enough)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God

if you think you're a thumb, give a wiggle
if you think you're a toe then shake your foot
if you think you're an elbow then let it show
for we all belong together

belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God

if you think you're an eyelash, let it flutter
if you think you're a foot let it bounce
if you think you're a hand then reach on out
for we all belong together

belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God

we're all different yet we're equal
a toe is no greater than a hand
so family come join and let's grow together
share the news of Jesus across this land

belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

stuffs fuzzuy.

I want to heal, I want to feel
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I've held so long
(Erase all the pain till it's gone)
I want to heal, I want to feel
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something I've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

Monday, November 06, 2006

how um...apropriate?

we got a letter from Alliance and Leicester through the post today.

Dear Mr Dale

No one likes to talk about the inevitable - It's hardly a pleasant thought. But suppose you were to die unexpectedly, how would your family or loved ones manage without you?

We have identified a simple way to allow you to leave something that could go to your family or loved ones should the inevitable happen. The guarunteed Over 50 Plan, provided by AXA Sun Life plc is a whole of life policy which is designed to pay out a cash sum of money on your death, in return for you paying fixed monthly premiums for the rest of your life.

full cover starts after you have paid your premiums for two years. If you die in the first two years, AXA Sun Life will not pay the fixed cash sum. However, AXA Sun Life will pay one and a half times the premiums you have paid in. Depending on how long you live, the total amount of premiums you pay may be greater than the cash sum payable on death. You will need to continue paying your premiums in order to maintain your life cover.

three times the fixed cash sum will be paied should you die as a result of an accident (or die within three months from injuries sustained in the accident) whilst travelling as a fare paying passenger by road, rail, sea or air, or if you are killed in a motor accident while travelling as a driver or passenger. this even applies during the first two years.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


wow. i cant describe it any other way. saturday night meeting was one to remember. it was so powerful. we had a split meeting, and the group i was in just got completely blown away by the spirit. God was very definately there. people laughing, then crying, then doing both(craughtering-a word made up for the event of both happening at the same time), shouting, silence standing in awe of God. it was great! then the 'booster' worship time a few of us had this morning at about quarter to 8 in the prayer shed. it was cold, but no one complained and i dont think anyone really noticed. everyone was just focused on God and loving Him. it was awesome. it IS awesome. God is awesome. woooooooooooooooo!

Friday, November 03, 2006


well im feeling ick. (not a typo). feeling very squirgle and dont know what to do. no one seems to be telling me anything at the moment, and ive got to make some very major decisions, with little to no information on any option. woopeedeedoo. spent the afternoon in tears, because its not looking like any of the options that i deem as sensible im going to be allowed to do. just want to do stuff im not allowed to, not cos im not allowed to, just cos im frustrated with life.