belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
if you think you're a thumb, give a wiggle
if you think you're a toe then shake your foot
if you think you're an elbow then let it show
for we all belong together
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
if you think you're an eyelash, let it flutter
if you think you're a foot let it bounce
if you think you're a hand then reach on out
for we all belong together
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
we're all different yet we're equal
a toe is no greater than a hand
so family come join and let's grow together
share the news of Jesus across this land
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
belonging ooooo
sharing ooooo
part of the family of God
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