Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Sunday we were 'bigging up' people who had made a significant difference in our lives. unfortunately im under dicipline not to do that with one person. ill big them all up: i really look up to them. my other fathers. father number 1: God. Hes great! He loves me for who I am, He created me. father number 2: My shephard. Hes cool. really funny. supported me through alot. father number 3: techie dad. given me great advise. trusts me where others dont always. father number 4: dead. father number 5(in progress). great man of God. weird-but arent we all! father number 6(in progress). a weirdo by admition. useful for sound effects.
whats your father figure like?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

err..Dave newheart i can always rely on him..he always supports me with his prayers..i can also challenge him!!!!!hes great!!good post helen love u(praying 4 u )

8:33 pm


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