Thursday, April 19, 2007


It says in the bible that we should give up everything for the kingdom. recently ive been trying to work out what that means. we have to be prepared to lay everything, even our lives down for God and His work. Community is the work of God, so should we lay everything down to move in? well this is my current problem. to lay everything down for full style 3 membership it means i have to put my relationship with the only person ive ever really loved and felt completely secure with on hold for 3+ years. under strict reading of the bible, this means i have to give him up. however, thinking about it, is it not better to continue the relationship outside of community and be able to focus on God more, than to be in style 3 community(which i really want to do) and be distracted? Yes God wants everything from me and yes I want to give Him that, I just dont feel He gets it all when Im worrying about if Im going to lose people. surely security is better than screwing yourself up inside and shredding yourself to pieces? I know I like being in control and knowing whats happening and that Gods working through that with me, but taking away someone thats brought me so close to God? I dont know. something for you to think about-whats God doing in you? Have you got/had any impossible decisions to make? How has knowing God helped you through them? Have you ended up taking the choice that hurts least? or most?


Blogger dee-braveheart said...

Hi Helen
when we give something/one up for God he is always faithful and holds us.
A year ago I decided to move households
now that was a discission that some may have seen as easy becasue I was in a difficult situation
but I really thought that I was going to break into tiny little peices I cried so much I did not think that I had any tears left it took me to the brink
and just as I said ok God The household tht I applied to join said No and I was sent in to a further turmoil
but God had his hand on all things
then the household said yes
when yoiu trust and say not my will but yours he comes through for us every time
and you will look back as a real time of growth just as a seed has to go into the ground and die in order to bear fruit so we also have to die

4:53 pm


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