Sunday, April 29, 2007

God, a computer programmer?

was thinking yesterday in our meeting(after a conversation about God using etch-a-sketch) that God is like a computer programmer. He can program a new world to do what He wants. the only reason we don't is cos we've been programmed to be able to choose from numerous things. theres also another programmer called the devil that creates virus' to take the people from the new world off track. God gives us the capacity to do many things and make many choices, so He knows what we can do and the outcome of each choice, but we can still surprise Him by the choices we make. the further on in our walk we get extra programming so we can do more things. we get rewarded with extra (spiritual?) gifts if we go the way of God. we cant see Him-He's the other side of the computer screen. but He loves us cos He made us-like a computer boffin. its His life. He puts all His energy into it. when we die, He prints off a hard copy of those that know Him and keeps them in His presence, whilst those that dont just get wiped off the hard disk. (like a computer, there are still traces of these people, but they are inaccessible). this works for people that don't know God then die and come back to life. God sends them to the recycle bin then restores them. a bit like a detention centre maybe?

to explain the etch-a-sketch thing, God draws a picture on it-the world and us. at some point He's gunna wipe us clean off this world.


Blogger n0rma1 said...

I must be an artist... cos I often think of God as an artist and have never (till now) considered Him as a computer boff! Thanks for widening my world a little, Helen!

12:18 pm


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