something different...
just looked up what the word 'profound' actually means. profound: adj 1 (of an emotion, state, etc.) intense. 2 showing or needing great insight.
on a lighter note, i made my mum laugh hysterically for 5 minutes. told her about how i managed to borrow a projector from jeds office. she was laughing at the bit when i told her how id told the receptionist who i was, she'd looked down a list of employees, i informed her that jed had died 2 months ago, and she replied 'ah. no wonder he didnt answer his phone....'
do i need to point out that jed was always saying how thick she was/is and how she should have had a different hair colour...?
Wow, she actually figured it insult, just it took you a while.
If she didn't know then why didn't she ask someone who knew him?
7:51 pm
she did know him. he was always saying how dumb she was. she kept nagging him for a new screen etc. shes just abit dopey...
2:19 pm
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