woo woo coming through
spose i should update, even if it is only for the sake of the person from goodness foods who keeps checking to see if ive written anything new! well hiya there person!
today has been ok so far. my sis and her boyfriend arrived yesterday. it has been intresting. he's into the same sort of stuff i am like techie stuff, so we've had a few convos about that-much to my sisters desperation at trying to stop us! im currently trying to get them to come to whitestone for friendship meal tomorrow-and actually getting somewhere!
other than that, ive just been listening to music, sorting out money for my camping trip next week-which is scarily close should be good fun tho- and not a lot else. woo i get the house to myself for the afternoon. cell group is going to draycote or somewhere tonight, via rugby, could be intresting too. wednesday is usually the time the devil chooses to play. ive had several attacks to sort out this week, on top of my own. showing a sister direction and that the statue is the reason for her downfall, trying (and probably failing) to help another sister, not being able to sleep at night because of the state one of the brothers turned up in on sunday, praying and wishing that 'the trio' get off drugs asap, whilst having God telling me to email a brother in another country who ive never even met. woo for the God life.
1:41 pm
Woo indeed.
9:15 am
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