bye :'(
well, this is the last time in a while i shall be updating. going on a trip you see-not a holiday, a trip. im going to add to my bruises. literally. its an adventure thing for special needs people and im going to help out. could be intresting as you have to stand on the top of a telegraph pole and hit a ball-me being petrified of heights and all...
anyway, sorry about the massive pics and rubbish links-i havent quite got the hang of html and cant do anything with it from a manor house by a lake!
keep strong in your faith, keep growing in God, have a great time without me-trafalgar, 24 hour worship etc. and ill see you all soon i hope.(unless i go style 7 before saturday oooh wishful thinking :P)
this is me signing off. toodlepip
I don't like the idea of the "style 7 wannabe" t-shirt. doesn't sound very smart to me. But yeh, enjoy the trip...possibly...well it might happen =D
8:14 pm
We'll struggle on without you. Somehow. :-)
8:38 pm
Enjoy your u loads.BT.
4:42 pm
im confused. whats with the last comment???????
11:03 am
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