Monday, June 26, 2006

tears from heaven fall??

blogs title is 'inside my head' so, this is a list of what is inside my head this morning:
  1. rejection
  2. lack of love
  3. longing for God
  4. rejection
  5. lots of tears but dried up from last night

the badge in front of my computer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who care's?????
i care!

2:29 pm

Blogger Andy said...

you wrote rejection twice... any reason? I think you will find there is alot of love 4 u. Not just from your brothers (like me. I love you ya know!) and sisters, but also from God. I know you know that God loves you, I just wish for you to feel it again so you don't feel alone. Please explain the rejection. Who are you being rejected by?
Love you and prayin 4 ya.

7:09 pm


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