sorted out with the person from yesterday, had to say goodbye to a very dear friend from college who is going off to uni :( and had to sort out a mad woman who tried to run over one of my other friends. all fun-oh and i fixed a bike chain that had got well and truely stuck so i got covered in oil :) and i fixed some door handles/nobs. all good fun! todays performance at college was great, the only thing that went wrong was a speakon cable being knocked so that the speakers stopped playing the sound which i then pushed back in-all very freaky as speakon cables are pull and twist so cant fall out! anyway, i managed to avoid being hit by flying males. we watched the HND performance too, it was very funny though didnt really have a story line-it was more an eastenders style thing(which, coincidentaly, they had a very random music track with eastenders quotes to the theme tune!)
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