well there have been alot of changes in my life recently. ive lost a significant amount of people that were close to me, and i have a few that im clinging on to but feel like im going to loose. its made me think about how God feels. he wants to be close to us and he has got close to alot of people, but then they turn their backs on him. there are some that he is clinging on to because he loves them and doesnt want to loose them, but he knows that they could well fall for satan and leave him. there have been times recently where ive felt like God's been dangling me from a rope and when ive realised, ive had to climb back up the rope to saftey. its been a continuous process. my life at the moment is rocky and im finding myself very insecure. i have security in God, even if i dont always see it. there are some people i know i have security with, though i dont always trust my judgement.
Keep holding on to that solid ground. You're a diamond!
1:24 pm
Trust White Stone. Even though we're not perfect we do love you.
4:19 pm
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