sorting out my life has been intresting. over the past few days ive been working out all of the different possibilities for the next few years-or at least the main layout of it. ive realised that, as much is i disliked school, i like the set up. i tend to work by timetables. i like knowing what im going to be doing when. its intresting to know that God isnt like that. ok so he knows whats happening when, but He lives with unpredictability. how often have we been unpradictable towards God? He cant have a timetable like mine because we humans rarely do what he wants us to, so he cant always rely on what we say we are going to do.
You'll probably like community though, cos it has a certain rhythm about it...
2:10 pm
I know....
hmm need to talk to you at some point...
6:30 pm
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