well im back from the lake district, tho i have to go back on monday to pick up the rest of my stuff. woopeedoo. loneliness. the feeling of being alone, the only one. lots of people feel like that. i know i do frequently. trying to work out how God could know what it feels like. i know Jesus went through it on the cross, but i dont understand why. i mean, he had loads of people around him-2 of which were going through exactly the same thing as him. but you can be alone in a crowd.lots of people arround you but no one talks to you. or lots of people talking to you but its just about the weather, nothing important, nothing deep and meaningful. or there's the alone of no one around at all. no one ever talks to you. no one knows what you are going through. they dont really care. or theres the type of loneliness thats in your head. people around you who love you and you love them. they know what you are going through and are trying to help. but there's a blockade. you still feel alone because you are so helpless. you cant do anything to change the situation you are in. you dont understand why you are where you are. you feel like you are someone else just looking in on a film. its not real, just a dream. but it hurts. and you long to be close to the people you love most and you can see them and hear them but you cant touch them and feel that they are really there. you're in a bubble. a glass wall separates you from reality. ever been there? people say Jesus went through what we go through but worse. i dont believe that. not in this case. i believe that Jesus felt like he was in a bubble. people cared. he himself could do something to stop the situation he was in-but he couldnt. another paradox. He goes through the same pain we do. at the same time we do. cos He is in us. if we allow Him then He IS us. we are not Him, but He becomes us and uses us. goes through the same struggles we do. it might not help the situation. or stop us feeling isolated. but it can bring us a sense of peace. even if it is frustrating!
loneliness can be to do with your heart and things that are going on inside you can make you feel lonely because you think no one understands.
4:20 pm
jesus does travel with us. jesus embraced life entirely and so embraced its pain. he knows.
11:34 am
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