Thursday, October 26, 2006

eli the fly

I'm Eli the fly
and people keep asking me why
I've been around for all to see
I aint got no ties
cos I'm the cleverest of flies
would you like to be as free as me?

On monday its the telly
on tuesday its the flix
and wednesday I have an early night
on thursday its the local dance
and friday its the pub
and saturday, a nice bird seemed just right

I'm Eli the fly
and people keep asking me why
I've been around for all to see
I aint got no ties
cos I'm the cleverest of flies
would you like to be as free as me?

I love my mummy
I love my daddy
my 8,000 brothers and sisters too
love is the answer
for all this world today
a fly for a flymotter will never do

I'm Eli the fly
and people keep asking me why
I've been around for all to see
I aint got no ties
cos I'm the cleverest of flies
would you like to be as free as me?

my life is very busy
I'm never standing still
and its a fantastic life living on the dole
I do just what I like
and nobody seems to mind
am I glad I havent got a soul

I'm Eli the fly
and people keep asking me why
I've been around for all to see
I aint got no ties
cos I'm the cleverest of flies
would you like to be as free as me?

suddenly disaster happened oh so soon
an aerosol can is all that Eli saw
his wings they ceased to function
and his head began to spin
his little body fell dead upon the floor

now call yourself Eli
for your life is just like his
except that you have got a soul to show
your end may come so sudden
and eternity will be there
ever thought of where you're gunna go?


Blogger s0upy said...

Ouch! Good, though.

12:53 pm


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