woo my provisional driving licence came this morning! i can now drive legally...
anyway, what i was originally going to post about. I've been reading a book called 'plea for purity' (I recomend it to everyone and anyone). Its brouht me abit closer to God, and there are things in it that i never really thought about before. there are several bits that stood out, but here's the one that hit the most:
For those who have faith, Christ - the one who truly unites - always stands between the lover and the beloved. It is his Spirit that gives them unhindered access to one another. Therefore, when sin enters a marriage and clouds the truth of love, a faithful disciple will follow Jesus in the church, not his or her wayward partner.Emotional love will protest this because it is prone to disregard the truth. It may even hinder the clear light that comes from God. It is unable and unwilling to dissolve a relationship, even when it becomes false and ungenuine. But true love never follows evil: it rejoices in the truth (1 Cor. 13:6). Both partners must recognize that unity of faith is more important than the emotional bond of their marriage. Each of us who claims to be a disciple must ask ourselves: "If my first allegiance is not to Jesus and the church, who is it to?" (Luke 9:57-60)
2:59 pm
Ummmm, by whom is this book by?
: ) The TJ
10:21 pm
Johann Christoph Arnold. with a forword by mother Teresa
10:05 am
the title is summink to do with purity, it says it on my blog entry. dunno the bsn number(did you mean isbn number?)
4:14 pm
; ) The TJ
7:50 am
its called 'a plea for purity' isbn number: 0-87486-960-9
11:26 am
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