Tuesday, December 05, 2006

soup with chocolate sprinkles

i know ive gone off the whole profound thing, but some of this stuff needs to get out, or itll just fester inside.
recently God has been using other people to open up old wounds, and some new wounds, so that i can see where i need healing. it hurts loads, just like when you cut yourself, but it needs to be done otherwise you just get left with bigger scars and end up with scars on scars and that makes your 'skin' thicker so God cant get in.
Ive been getting prayer for the most obvious of my current wounds, but its going to take a long time for that to heal. i hope it doesnt get to the stage of one of my 'aquaintances' who is still greiving(or claiming that) over his grandmother, but using it to block off God. how my heart yearns to have a go at him.
ok let me explain that one. greiving is not an excuse to block off God. if anything, its a reason to come closer to Him for the love and support that has been lost. it really saddens me, and to some extent annoys me, that someone who was once so up for God and telling people about Him, now uses a human being, who died about 3 years previously, to stop himself getting close to God. im not saying anything against the grandmother. whats the point? shes dead and nothing is going to change that. its just a case of realising it. yes, its ok to greive. and yes you do have to come to terms with what has happened. but using it as an excuse for not being near to God-especially when the grandmother died several years before the grandson then became a christian.....its ludicrous. imagine it: the day of judgement. God calls you up. "sorry, who are you?" human "my nan died 55 years ago" God "yeh, i know your nan, but who are you? go to hell"
ok so it wouldnt be quite like that, but you get my point. scary thing is, realising that i wouldnt be saying this if my dad hadnt died.... hmm.
oh well. long post. spose i need more prayer for healing now. woopiededoodarday. hmm. this isnt what i was going to write about....but ive forgotten what i was! oh well. maybe next time


Blogger n0rma1 said...

What's really going on in his mind, I wonder. It's clear to everyone apart from him that the whole Nan thing is an excuse (though he's come to 'believe' in his excuse).

We need to pray for him.

Oh - and one more thing, Insightful: keep writing profound entries. I enjoy them so much more than 'Today I went to the shops' entries.

10:11 am


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