Tuesday, August 29, 2006

im back

cant remember what i was going to write. something about my dad dying. err.... i dunno. cant think. anyway. my dad died last tuesday. we were up a mountain eating our lunch n he rolled off his rock n landed on his knees n forehead. the way he landed, i thought he was being sick. my mum thought he'd fallen asleep cos he was snoring(aparently his lungs emptying of air). we rolled him over and his eyes were weird, kinda grey n glazed over. mum tried putting him in the recovery position where he stopped making the noise, so turned him back cos she wanted to hear him breathing. by this point she had started screaming for him not to leave her, tho he already had(looking back). i went to ring for mountain rescue n got a dufus asking me if that was ambulance fire police or coastguard. dur MOUNTAIN RESCUE! she put me on to the police in the end. lots of faffing round with that. meanwhile a doctor who was on her holiday n just up the mountain for a walk ran over n started cpr with the help of some other walkers. dad started going blue n then we heard the helicopter. i ran over to some rocks n stood there waving to it, my mum started screaming again cos it wasnt the right colour. tho it was the right helicopter. nehoo they tried loads of stuff n decided to stop, then got the mountain rescue to take him down n back to their base. on the way down his belly wobbled lol.
oh yeh, my gran is silly(dads mum). she gave us money for a takeaway. dad just died of a heart attack due to colesterol, she has colesterol problems, and she gives us money to eat lots of fat. well done gran!
p.s. just got details of funeral arrangements. if you want to know them let me know.


Blogger s0upy said...

Blessings, Helen. We're with you. You're much loved and you have our prayers and support. Keep close to God and your sisters. Yeah, do let us know the arrangements for the funeral.

10:13 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah stick in there Helen - love you very much - don't worry about falling apart, God has big enough arms to catch you, hold you and lift you up. You're part of the family

1:59 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Helen, you know we love you. We're all here to support you all the way. God has your future planned and sorted so don't worry. Lots of love Carole

2:09 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

guess what....i love you too!! Big hug my sister x

3:35 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

guess what....i love you too!! Big hug my sister x

3:35 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that double entry was the computers fault...told me it hadn't entered and then did it twice!

oh well - have a double amount of love!!!

3:37 pm

Blogger Adrian said...

Helen, bless you. We are praying for you, much love and grace.

4:24 pm

Blogger Just teejay said...

Pixie's and I are thinking of you.

; ) The TJ

8:57 pm

Blogger dee-braveheart said...

love you mate here and it is ok to fall apart you do not have to be all and everything to everyone you are allowed to be a bt selfish and see that you are in need too
you got my number use it

10:45 am

Blogger n0rma1 said...

You're great. Lots of love.

10:17 pm


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