Friday, May 26, 2006

Not much to say

Not much to say today. Ive packed for the weekend. Ready to go out in 20 minutes, not to return to this before monday night. I'll share a bit about an issue now resolved, just getting used to the change.
Ive had a problem with sisters not being able to lead morning/evening worship. This is mainly down to the fact that my parents wanted me to be male and brought me up like that. Ive always felt like a dissappointment to them, not as clever as my sister, not being tidy or organised, not using my 'brain' -though they doubted I ever had one(they know I do now cos my sister bought me one that grows if you put it in water). Anyway, I had numerous conversations/arguements with people over it. I then had a revelation from God a few weeks ago. I basically remembered a conversation id had with Andy-the sound guy at Easter people- and realised that it applied to leading services. The conversation was about a band that we had in the morning sessions. The lead singer was a girl and the backing singers were mostly male. They sounded terrible. Anyway, we were saying how female singers shouldnt be allowed to lead in a band because it doesnt sound right. Its a bit like that with services, if a female is leading it, it doesnt sound right so people switch off(okay so we all switch off anyway...). Its not their place and its not what they are designed for. (I never thought Id say that!) Its not cos what they are saying is wrong, its just that their leading skills are for other places-like bringing up children and leading other sisters.


Blogger Andy said...

Hey there Helen.
It all sounds like great fun, but atleast u got this particular thingy sorted out so no more conversations about that. I would also like to congratulate you on the fact that so far you have managed to post every single day since u've been on. Alot better than I've done.
Cya soon
Andy Faith

9:49 pm

Blogger HR?I said...

lol thanks! ive even posted while i didnt have access to a computer for 3 days-isnt it great?!

4:45 pm


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